潛能,這個詞語涵蓋了我們內在的、未被開發的巨大力量。它指著我們身上蘊藏的,尚未被充分發掘的才能、能力和可能性。從個人成長的角度來看,潛能代表著無限的可能性,鼓勵我們持續學習、探索自我,並發掘出自身獨特的優勢。 在商業或其他領域,潛能則代表著未被實現的巨大商機與發展空間。 如何激發並運用自身的潛能,是值得我們不斷思考與探討的課題。
(This translates to:
Potential, this word encompasses the vast untapped power within us. It refers to the talents, abilities, and possibilities within us that have not yet been fully explored. From a personal growth perspective, potential represents infinite possibilities, encouraging us to continually learn, explore ourselves, and discover our unique strengths. In business or other fields, potential represents unrealized vast opportunities and room for development. How to unleash and utilize one’s potential is a topic worth continuous thought and exploration.)